One of our core values at Welling Church is generosity.
We encourage everyone at our church to take part in what God is doing by being generous. One way we do this is through giving away what God has given to us.



Giving away what God has given us

It’s not ours to begin with.
We want to live generously to bless our church, our city and our world.

At Welling Church there are 2 opportunities to give financially:

  1. We encourage everyone to give online to be a proactive giver. You can set up a standing order and give your offering through a bank transfer, either a one-off gift or a repeating one.

    Welling Evangelical Free Church (HSBC)
    Sort Code: 40-42-01
    Account Number: 31653067

  2. During our 11:00am service on Sunday mornings, we provide a collection box in the church.



Gift Aid Form

Your gift will go 25% further with gift aid!

Click the PDF form on the right to download, fill out, and return. You can give it to a pastor at church or email it to


Welling Evangelical Free Church is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and our charity number is: 1194415.