Bible Study Premier

Update From Your Pastors

We pray everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We miss being able to meet in person but are very grateful that we can continue to meet online.

It was encouraging this week to stream our Sunday service to both Facebook and YouTube Live. We were also able to have our first Adventures Online Party on Zoom for the teens last Friday. From everyone we have spoken to, it sounds as though people are doing well at staying positive during this season of challenge.

We are praying for you all and if anyone needs anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

If you haven’t watched any of our kids or teens videos, they are up on our website under Online Church: Sunday Service. We will also post on Friday our next Adventures Online video and game, so keep an eye out for it!

Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Prayer Points

  1. Steve, Bob & Beryl, Dolly, May, & others in our church that are at high risk.

  2. Huge praise as Becca and Mark had their baby on 28 March. Welcome Abigail!

  3. Safety in pregnancy for Alice who’s due in May.

Ministry Opportunity

We are so excited for Mark and Becca having their baby Abigail this past week and as a church, we want to be a blessing to them. We had planned several months ago to offer a meal train for them, but with the current circumstances that are happening, it would not be wise to do so. Instead, we want to get their family a Tesco voucher so they can buy the food they need and maybe even some ready meals.

You can be a part of this by donating a meal or two to help out the Junipers. Would you consider contributing £10 or £20 or more to be a blessing to them? Please do so by Easter, so we can be a blessing sooner rather than later.

Donate to them via the church at:
Welling Church (HSBC)
Sort Code: 40-19-04
Account Number: 02171236
Memo: Baby Juniper

Weekly Devotional


We are adding to our Wednesday weekly devotional by having a live Bible Study on Zoom tonight at 7:00pm. Josh will be taking us through the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22. Please look on the Welling Church WhatsApp for information on how to join the group this evening.