April Update

Update From Your Pastors

Hello Welling Church family!

We rejoice in the faithfulness of our church fellowship over these last few months. Your engagement, your prayers, your generosity, your ministry to one another, and your attendance have all been wonderful. During this season when many have been ruled by fear or anxiety, our church is filled with people walking by faith and in His strength. This has been an encouragement to us as leaders and to our community. It’s exciting to see our church take the mission of God to heart.

It is our prayer that we can continue encouraging and helping one another as we go forward. It is our prayer that each of us dig deeper into the Gospel over the coming months to discover God’s powerful message that makes all things new. It is our prayer that these days of uncertainty and unrest will lead to the advancement of the Gospel by our church as we make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Here are a few ways you can cut through the background noise of life to reach those in our community who desperately need what we have in Christ Jesus:

  • We can provide hope for the future through the certainty of the Bible.

  • We can present others with a purpose for their life through the Gospel.

  • We can provide a loving community that encourages a caring fellowship.

Here are a few points that we would like you to praying on:

  • Music - Please pray for our music ministry as we would like to transition back to a live band. We need more volunteers to assist with singing and playing music.

  • Church - As our church starts back all our regular ministries, please pray for many new volunteers to help serve all our guests.

  • COVID - As lockdown comes to an end, we need to continue praying for the safety of all our vulnerable members.

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves & Justin Rhoades

Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

April Notices

As the Government has a plan to end Lockdown, you should have a plan to come back to church. We can’t wait to see you again in-person on a Sunday morning this year.

As the Government has a plan to end Lockdown, you should have a plan to come back to church. We can’t wait to see you again in-person on a Sunday morning this year.

We will be meeting Wednesday nights at 19:30 for Bible Study on Zoom. No Bible Study for Easter Break on  7 & 14 April.

We will be meeting Wednesday nights at 19:30 for Bible Study on Zoom.
No Bible Study for Easter Break on 7 & 14 April.

Secondary students will meet for a Bible lesson, small groups, and games all online. No Adventures Online for Easter Break on 9 & 16 April.Yippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors …

Secondary students will meet for a Bible lesson, small groups, and games all online.
No Adventures Online for Easter Break on 9 & 16 April.

Yippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors after the 12 April rule change. If this does happen, we will be bringing Adventures Club back in-person for secondary students on 23 April.

11 April we will be jumping back into our Acts series: The Church Begins.  Be sure to join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 for this important series and remember to  invite someone to join with you.

11 April we will be jumping back into our Acts series: The Church Begins.
Be sure to join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 for this important series and remember to invite someone to join with you.

We are coming back 18 AprilYippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors after the 12 April rule change. If this does happen, we will be bringing Kids Church back in-person for primary stud…

We are coming back 18 April

Yippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors after the 12 April rule change. If this does happen, we will be bringing Kids Church back in-person for primary students on 18 April.

Be sure to drop your children off at the back hall door before service starts.

We are coming back 18 AprilYippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors after the 12 April rule change. If this does happen, we will be bringing the youth service back in-person for second…

We are coming back 18 April

Yippee!!! It looks like the Government will soon be allowing kids/teens groups to once again meet indoors after the 12 April rule change. If this does happen, we will be bringing the youth service back in-person for secondary students on 18 April.

Teens will be dismissed in service after the songs.

If you are a church member, we have an important business meeting on 25 April right after our morning  service. At this meeting we will be answering questions and voting on our new constitution and church handbook.All are welcome to attend, especial…

If you are a church member, we have an important business meeting on 25 April right after our morning service. At this meeting we will be answering questions and voting on our new constitution and church handbook.

All are welcome to attend, especially if you are considering joining the church in the future.

If you would like a copy of the constitution and/or church handbook please email Tarl@WellingChurch.com or Justin@WellingChurch.com.

Looking to take your theological study deeper?  We are presenting a 10-week theological course that will examine Christian theology and how it has developed over the past 2,000 years. Danny Mcilhiney, current student studying theology at Oxford Univ…

Looking to take your theological study deeper?
We are presenting a 10-week theological course that will examine Christian theology and how it has developed over the past 2,000 years. Danny Mcilhiney, current student studying theology at Oxford University, will be leading this study on Zoom every Sunday evening starting 2 May.


May Update


March Update