January 2022 Update
Update From Your Pastors
Dear Welling Church family,
Happy New Year!
We trust you and your family had a wonderful Christmas time celebrating the birth of our heavenly king. As we look back on 2021 and look ahead to 2022, we pray that you will continue striving to proclaim the work and ministry of Jesus Christ to the world. As a church, we desire to make Christ known to all as we live through His power day by day. As we do this, our lives can have a godly influence upon friends and family around us. Thank you for being part of the church and its ministry!
What will this year look like for our church as we continue to live daily for Christ?
Many times we can wonder why God has us where we are right now when there are so many different possibilities available. However, in God's sovereignty, He has placed you where you are for a reason. His purposes and timing will look different than our purposes and timing. It is reassuring to know that we can trust God as He teaches and matures us during this current season which will later prepare us for what's coming next! May God continue using us right where we are.
Thank you for joining us in fulfilling our church’s ministry work by faithfully serving and giving to the church. You make a difference!
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
The Elders:
Tarl Reeves & Justin Rhoades
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January Notices
Mark your calendars for the February half term! Wednesday - Friday we will be hosting a holiday Bible club for Children in Primary school.
Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to watch a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades Rachel@WellingChurch.com. Baby Steps is back 11 January!
We are Continuing our study of the Treasure Principle on Wednesday Bible Study on Zoom. If you want to get the book, feel free to order one from Amazon, but even if you don’t have time to read the book, there will be plenty to get from each week’s study. We start back 12 January!
Primary and Secondary students meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday night at 19:30-21:00 at the church building. We start back 7 January!
We are launching a brand new small group for those struggling or have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights. We start back 6 January!
Starting in January we will be continuing our study of the book of acts to see how God took the church in Jerusalem and expanded it around Israel and beyond.