September Update

Update From Your Pastors

Hey everyone!

How do you spend your time during the week? Who do you spend your time with each week?

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, it says “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” Think about the people you spend the most time with. Think about that person who encourages you in your walk with God and ask them to have tea/coffee this week. Good and godly influences in our lives are vital to move us closer to Christ during all life’s seasons.

God created us for relationship: to be in relationship with Him and with others. As Christians, we live and worship in community. We were not meant to follow God alone. Ephesians 4:15-16 says, “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” As we follow Christ, we follow Christ together in our local church.

In September we are kicking off a brand new series on what it means to be a healthy church member. As we go through this series, we invite you to thoughtfully pray for our church, each other, and your future role at our church as a church member.

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves & Justin Rhoades

Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

September Notices

Sunday Morning sermon series at 11:00am, looking forward to seeing you there!

Sunday Morning sermon series at 11:00am, looking forward to seeing you there!

Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to watch a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades

Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to watch a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades

We are meeting Wednesday nights at 19:30 for Bible Study on Zoom. If you want to get the book, feel free to order one from Amazon, but even if you don’t have time to read the book, there will be plenty to get out of each week’s study.

We are meeting Wednesday nights at 19:30 for Bible Study on Zoom. If you want to get the book, feel free to order one from Amazon, but even if you don’t have time to read the book, there will be plenty to get out of each week’s study.

Primary and Secondary students meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday night at 19:30-21:00 at the church building.

Primary and Secondary students meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday night at 19:30-21:00 at the church building.

Special guest speaker, Joey Candillo, will be sharing his life story of how God took him from a life of selling drugs to becoming a pastor. This will be a great opportunity to invite friends and family to hear an impactful testimony and Gospel message.Childcare provided!

Special guest speaker, Joey Candillo, will be sharing his life story of how God took him from a life of selling drugs to becoming a pastor. This will be a great opportunity to invite friends and family to hear an impactful testimony and Gospel message.

Childcare provided!

We are launching a brand new small group for those struggling or have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie or Terry if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights.

We are launching a brand new small group for those struggling or have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie or Terry if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights.

Mark your diary for 3 October, as we will be baptising several people that day. It is a Sunday you will not want to miss.

Mark your diary for 3 October, as we will be baptising several people that day. It is a Sunday you will not want to miss.


October Update


July/August Update