September 2022

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

Do you love Jesus? Are you striving to walk in obedience toward Him? How does that look in your day-to-day life?

John 14:21 says, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

Loving Jesus is inextricably tied to obeying Christ. Keeping God's commands and being obedient to Him display our love to our Heavenly Father. In turn, obeying Christ expresses the love of God the Father in that person’s life and reveals the presence of Christ in their life.

As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to walk in obedience to God's commands if we love Him. This does not mean we will never sin again, but rather, we should repent of our sins in obedience to our Lord so that we can continue to correctly follow Him.

What sins in your life need to be addressed? How can you be obedient to God today?

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves & Justin Rhoades

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September Notices

Join us each WEDNESDAY for our new bible study video series as we take an in-depth look at the Holy Land to learn more about what life was like back then and help us better understand the bible today.

In-Person: This autumn we are meeting in-person in the back hall at the church. For those who can’t make, we will post the recording on the church WhatsApp.

Our sermon series for September is Blemished: When God’s People Give Worthless Worship. We are studying the book of Malachi to see God’s response to Israel when they were simply going through the motions of worship. Our hope is that through this series we can become more intentional in our worship to God.

join us as we meet together to eat, pray, and hear from God’s Word on Saturday 17 September at Toby Carvery. This is a nice opportunity to invite friends to come along to church.

join us as we meet together to eat, pray, and hear from God’s Word on Saturday 24 September at the church in the back hall. a continental breakfast will be provided for free for all who attend.

Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to have a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades

Grace Recovery is a small group for those struggling or have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights.

Primary and Secondary Children meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday night at 19:30-21:00 at the church building.

2 October at 7:00PM we are having our next Young Adult Service for 16-35 year olds! Each month (on the first Sunday) we gather together to worship God, be challenged from God’s word, and fellowship together.


October 2022


July & August 2022