Do I Walk in Holiness?

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

We pray that your July has gotten off to a wonderful start. We hope you are taking the time to enjoy your friends and family especially now some of the lockdown measures have been lifted. Although the last few months have been at times frustrating and uncertain, as believers, we can rejoice in knowing our God has been and remains in control. He is our faithful Father and is at work in our lives, our families, and in our church.

Please continue to stay steadfast and faithful. If all goes well, we have only a few weeks left before we will come back and worship all together in the same place. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again!

We are working hard right now to prepare for re-opening the church building in the next two months. When we do re-open, our service will be for all those that are ready to come back to the church building and worship in-person. If you are not ready to come back because you are either at risk, shielding, or vulnerable, please know that we will continue to livestream our services for the foreseeable future. We are praying for you, love you, and can’t with to see you again!

If there is anything you need, or if there is anything for which you need prayer, please don’t hesitate to let us know. 

Have a lovely week! 

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Prayer Points

  1. Marco has had his surgery to fix his hand and thumb. Praying that he will regain full feeling and use of it.

  2. DD’s mother has passed away and he and his family need prayer. The funeral will be at the end of the month.

  3. Terry is having terrible pain with a wisdom tooth and needs to have it removed. Praying that the doctor can see him soon.

Ministry Opportunity

From 4 July you can meet in groups of up to two households in any location - public or private, indoors or outdoors. We would love to encourage any who feel safe to do so, to meet up with another family from church to watch the live Sunday service together. This is a great way for our church take a step towards meeting together for Sunday worship.

Weekly Devotional

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Vital Signs of Saving Faith

Question 1: Do I walk in holiness?

5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practise the truth. 1 John 1: 5, 6

An authentic child of God will enjoy fellowship with Christ. Religion is an external activity and outward ritual, but Christianity is intensely personal and internal. The one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ truly knows Him and will walk in holiness.

4 Manifestations of God’s Holiness (Ex. 15:11; Hab. 1:13; Rev. 15:4)

  1. His Work (Ps. 145:17)

  2. His Word (Ps. 19:8, 9; Rom. 7:12)

  3. His Atonement (Ps. 22:1-3)

  4. His Hatred of Sin (Prov. 3:32, 15:26)

4 Questions to Evaluate Your Walk

  1. Am I walking in good works? (Jam. 1:22-25)

  2. Am I walking in the Word of God? (Duet. 5:32, 33)

  3. Am I walking in forgiveness? (Col. 1:13. 14)

  4. Am I walking away from sin? (Gal. 5:16-24)