December Update
Update From Your Pastors
Dear Welling Church family,
Christmas is not canceled!
Our church building is open for December, and we look forward to getting back together for our in-person gatherings. We are thrilled to be meeting both in-person and online for our regular Sunday morning services as well as for our Christmas Carol services. We have much to be thankful for, and as we enter into the holidays, let us all remember the reason for the season.
The promised Messiah — born of a virgin, resting in a manger, worshiped both by angels and shepherds, and sent as a Saviour for the world — is salvation for every repentant sinner and hope for every believer.
This December, Josh will bringing to us a brand new sermon series: The Genesis of Christmas. We will be examining the origins and promises of Christmas and our need for a Saviour. On 13 December and 20 December at 6pm, we will be having our annual Christmas Carol services for the community. It will be a wonderful time of singing, worship, Scripture reading, and reflection on what Christ has done. Please take part by inviting your friends, family, and neighbours to one of these services.
As we look forward to Christmas, we are also thrilled to share two big ways you can have an impact this year. We are partnering with a local charity and a local church to assist them in their work. Would you consider and pray about how God could use you to help others in need this year?
This year, we are hoping to give 25-30 Christmas gift hampers to local women who have suffered domestic abuse. This is being done in partnership with Bexley Women’s Aid in Bexleyheath. They have asked if it would be possible to provide Christmas food items, socks, new underwear, gloves, scarves, wrapping paper, sellotape, Christmas crackers, stocking fillers, non-perishable Christmas foods, such as mince pies, shortbread or chocolate tins, puddings, and any other Christmas items to share some Christmas joy to them. We would love it if you could help out!
We are also excited be partnering with a local church this Christmas and would like to help their ministry financially. This is a brand new church that was started recently. Hope Church Vauxhall was planted in September 2018 with a group of 20 adults and 4 kids to reach the Vauxhall Gardens Council Estate with the good news of Jesus. Building on many years of work from London City Mission, they run youth clubs, a food bank, lunch and breakfast clubs, and a football project for kids and adults (all pre-Covid). By God's grace, they have seen many people saved. The current church family is a mixed bunch including Eritrean Refugees, a number of former prisoners and addicts, students, lawyers, cleaners, teachers, Latin American families, young men and women and a handful of brand new believers from the estate. Would you sincerely pray how you can give financially to keep this ministry going, especially during the current difficulties of lockdown and pandemic?
With so much going on at our church and around the nation, we are grateful to be one small part of God’s greater plan! We look forward to seeing you all soon and partnering with you in helping our communities, both physically and spiritually for the kingdom of God!
The Elders:
Tarl Reeves, Justin Rhoades & Joshua Bell
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Will continue to meet in-person following Government guidance
Secondary students will meet for Bible lesson, small groups, and games
We will be having communion 20 December doing the 11:00 service