January Update
Update From Your Pastors
Dear Welling Church family,
For many, we are happy to have 2020 behind us. Who could have predicted the deep and long-lasting impact the coronavirus pandemic would have upon all our lives? In many ways, it has rocked us to our core and changed our original plans for last year. Even though it has been a bizarre year for many different reasons, we can still humbly say, “God has been faithful!” We are thankful for God’s provision and protection for us during this time as we trust Him through all our circumstances.
We are grateful that despite this new round of national lockdown measures, we as a church can still meet for corporate worship and remain open to the public. It is always a blessing to see so many attend in-person during our services. While we are still under major restrictions, have to social distance, and wear masks during services, we are overjoyed to still be able to assemble together for worship as Scripture intended.
We are also thankful for your faithfulness in watching our livestreams if you cannot attend in-person due to shielding, health issues, high risk factors, or safety concerns. Please know that we are praying for you and cannot wait to see you again once the pandemic subsides.
With the most recent lockdown, we would like to make you aware of changes regarding our ministry schedule. We have made these changes to accommodate the lockdown, to worship safely, and to carry on wisely over the next two months. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate in letting us know.
We will continue to meet both in-person and online for our 11:00am Worship Service.
Unfortunately, with the new lockdown rules, we will not be able to offer Kids Church during Sunday morning services.
If you are able to attend please continue to follow all Government guidance on social distancing.Wednesday Bible Study
We will be having a weekly Bible Study on Zoom at 7:30pm starting 13 January.
We will be going through a series on prayer & will spend some time praying together.Adventures Online
We will be moving our Adventures Club for those in secondary school to Zoom.
We will start back 15 January at 7:30pm.Baby Steps
Baby Steps will resume in-person on 13 January at 10:00am.
We are thankful that the Government has continued to give allowances for support groups to meet in-person.Men’s & Women’s Meetings
For the months of January and February, we will not be having any men’s or women’s meetings.
Christmas Offering
This past month, as a church, we collected a Christmas offering for Hope Church in Vauxhall. We are pleased to share that we will be sending them £2,000 to help this church plant continue their ministries in 2021. Thank you for spiritually and financially investing in another church in Greater London. Your contribution will allow them to share the story of Jesus with those who have not heard it. You can visit hopevauxhall.co.uk to learn more about what they are doing as a church and to be able to better pray for them.
As we begin this new year, we are asking the Lord to help us move forward during this difficult time. When the night is the darkest, we’re trusting the Word of God to shine brighter than ever before. Please be praying for church, those hurting, those who have lost loved ones, and those who are battling illness currently. Whatever happens in 2021, God remains faithful. Whatever happens during this time, God is still at work. May we all strive together to proclaim His great name to all the nations!
Thank you for your loving care, faithful prayers, and kind support during this time as we minister in Welling.
The Elders:
Tarl Reeves, Justin Rhoades & Joshua Bell
Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
We will be meeting Wednesday nights at 19:30 for Bible Study on Zoom.
Starts 13 January
Will continue to meet in-person following Government guidance.
Starts back 13 January
Secondary students will meet for a Bible lesson, small groups, and games all online.
Starts back 15 January at 7:30pm
Be sure to join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 as we continue our series: Reset.
Unfortunately, with the new lockdown rules, we will not be able to offer Kids Church during Sunday morning services.