February/March 2024

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

As 2024 is off and on its way, I wanted to share my prayer for Welling Church this year: faithfulness. Jesus says in Luke 16:10, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much”. I pray that all who attend this church will be faithful in the small things this year so that God might allow us to do much for His kingdom in the coming years. Here are five specific areas that I am praying for faithfulness in, and I hope you will, too:

  1. Membership - The first area of faithfulness comes with being faithful to Jesus Christ (the head) and His body (the church). Many who attend here at Welling have yet to obey God by joining a local church. My prayer is that in 2024, we will see many choose to be faithful to join God’s plan of the local church.

  2. Attendance - Worship with the church you belong to isn’t optional; it’s a must, according to the book of Hebrews. So, let’s be faithful to be there each week for our primary worship gathering and in a small group where more profound growth will come.

  3. Serving - We need a church filled with faithful servants. Ephesians 2:10 says we were saved for good works. Let’s be faithful to do what God has created us and saved us for: serving one another.

  4. Giving - 2 Corinthians tells us to give as we have decided in our hearts. There is no option to provide nothing to the church financially; we all have to have a plan to give something to the church we belong to. When we all are faithful to give what God lays on our hearts to give our church, we will have enough to do the ministry God has planned for us in 2024.

  5. Discipleship - We need a church filled of people who are willing to go the extra mile. A group of people who hunger to grow spiritually and desire to take their faith further than before. I pray if you are not currently meeting with someone one-on-one, you will be. Once you have done either Cornerstone or Foundations, take someone else through discipleship and teach them what you have learned.

How can you be more faithful in these five areas? What can our church do to help, and what can I specifically do as your pastor to support you in these areas of faithfulness?

Our church exists like all others to help born-again believers live the life God has planned for them. If you are a member of Welling Church, then you are our top priority to care for and minister to in 2024. If you are not a church member, what is holding you back from obeying God’s word and submitting to the body of Christ? I would love to help you get joined into this local body of Jesus and become a faithful servant of Him.

Let’s all be faithful in 2024.

The Elders:
Justin Rhoades & Tarl Reeves

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February/March Notices

Easter is coming, that time of year when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I pray you can join us and bring family/friends to attend this celebration as well.
31 March at 11:00

Our next sermon series starts on 10 March. We will look at all four of the Gospels to see the Words of Christ as He went to the cross for us.

Ladies, you don’t want to miss our Mother’s Day Tea. This a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all the influential women in your life. Please invite a mother, daughter, aunt, niece, nan, or friend to come for a meal and Bible talk.

Small groups are continuing until the week of 25-28 March, and all groups will study the same series this term. We will look at faith foundation and helping each other strengthen our relationship with Christ. You can learn more on our small group page.

Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to have a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades at Rachel@WellingChurch.com.

The last Baby Steps of term is on 26 March
The first Baby Steps of next term will be on 16 April

Grace Recovery is a small group for those struggling or who have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights.

The last Grace Recovery of term is 28 March
The first Grace Recovery of next term will be on 18 April

Primary and Secondary Children meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday from 19:30- 21:00 at the church building.

The last club of this term is on 22 March
First club of next term will be 19 April

On 24 March, at the end of our service, we will take communion together.


June 2024


December 2023