June 2024

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

We’re so blessed for all that we’ve been able to celebrate over the past few weeks. The church’s 125th anniversary testifies to the Lord’s faithfulness over the past century. His boundless grace poured out upon this church throughout the years is beyond humbling. We are so thankful to be part of Welling Church’s history and for all of us to take part in His greater sovereign plan. We always need Jesus’ faithfulness in all that we do as a church, and we pray that we will be faithful to Him over the next 125 years if He so tarries in His return.

When we think of God’s faithfulness over the years, we are reminded of Psalm 136. Verse 1 says, “‌Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever”. It’s not revolutionary to hear that the LORD’s “steadfast love endures forever”, but at times, it can be quite easy to forget. This is probably why the Psalmist mentions it an astounding 26 times in a row in Psalm 136! He is trying to instil in us, the readers, that God’s love is unchanging and not going anywhere.

As we enter into the summer season during a year defined by constant change with an air of unsettledness all around us, we can take comfort in knowing that God will not change this year. The same way He has loved and looked upon our church over the past 125 years is the same way He will continue to look upon it for many more years to come. It is comforting to know that God will not change in a world full of constant change. How reassuring it is to celebrate that His steadfast love endures forever. May Welling Church continue to preach to the lost all around us this brilliant truth about the Creator and Sustainer of everything.

The Elders:
Justin Rhoades, Tarl Reeves, and Jonathan Gardner

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June/July Notices

During the first couple of Sundays in June, we will be wrapping up our study on the third missionary journey of Paul.
Sunday’s at 11:00

Our next sermon series starts 23 June. We will look at Romans 1 and the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We’re excited to have Jonathan join us as an Elder. Please take time to get to know him and his family in the coming weeks.

This year’s men’s event is on 3 June for a night of food, fun, and Bible. All men are welcome to eat loads of pulled pork, sausages, pork belly, and steak (no green stuff allowed!).

On 16 June, we will be ending the service with baptisms. We pray you can join us for an exciting day of people choosing to obey their next steps in following Christ.

The ladies of Welling Church are having an evening of prayer and praise on 22 June. All women are invited for a night of songs and creative prayer activities.

Our yearly summer outreaches are fast upon us! We pray you can attend and help volunteer to make these successful evenings of sharing the Gospel message to our community.

We have an excellent opportunity of having Jackie Lyon take us through a two-part course on managing personal finances. This is a terrific way to get on top of the thing no one likes to think about but can cause loads of stress when ignoring it. Sign up now to take this course.

Camp 2024 is coming up soon! Sign your teens up now to attend a wonderful three-day adventure where they can grow closer to God and each other. It is a much-needed spiritual boost for our teens who live in a spiritually deprived world.

Small groups may have already started at the end of May, but there is still time to join in on one of our three brilliant groups. You can learn more on our small group page.

Adventures Club is a wonderful and safe place where primary and secondary children meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday from 19:30- 21:00 at the church building.

The last Adventures Club for this term is Friday 19 July.

At the end of our church service on 4 August, we will take communion together.


September/October 2024


February/March 2024