January 2023

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

Happy New Year!

Is it 2023 already!? As we look back on 2022 and look forward to 2023, our heart’s prayer is that our church continues to faithfully proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world around us.

With the beginning of each new year, many use that time for retrospection, reflection, and planning. How are you specifically and spiritually preparing for this year?

The first few weeks of January are an excellent time to prayerfully consider how you can go deeper with your spiritual walk. Instead of binging on another Netflix series, think about a spiritual discipline you would like to develop. Make this spiritual discipline consistent, attainable, and measurable. Do something new, take that step of faith, or grow in an area where you have been weak in the past. Some possibilities include but are not limited to: read your Bible everyday, begin reading your Bible with your partner/family, begin a prayer journal, pray regularly with a friend, share the Gospel with at least one person a week or month, memorise a verse of Scripture every week or month, or begin serving in a new ministry at church.

Over the next few weeks, endeavor to spend some time praying over what God would have you to grow closer to Him this year. As you do, make a plan and a goal for yourself. Share this plan with someone from church so they can pray with you and for you as well as help keep you accountable.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,
18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Thank you for joining us in fulfilling our church’s ministry work by faithfully serving and giving to the church. You are making an eternal difference!

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves & Justin Rhoades

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Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

January Notices

We are starting the year off with a sermon series about making the most of 2023 by putting God first in everything. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 11:00.

Small groups are launching this month! PLease join us by attending one of our six small groups that meet almost everyday of the week. Visit our small groups web page to find out more.

Please join us on 22 January for our 11:00 morning service as we CELEBRATe several people who will be taking the next step in their faith journey.

Baby Steps continues to meet every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30. It is a lovely time for mums to have a Bible study together and pray while the little ones play. For more information, please see Rachel Rhoades Rachel@WellingChurch.com.
Last baby steps is back 10 January

Grace Recovery is a small group for those struggling or have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. Please see Jackie if you would like to attend or help serve on Thursday nights.
Grace Recovery is back 5 January

Primary and Secondary Children meet for Bible lessons, songs, small groups, and games each Friday night at 19:30-21:00 at the church building.
Adventures is back 6 January

8 January at 7:00PM we are having our next Young Adult Service for 16-35 year olds! Each month (on the first Sunday of every month except january) we gather together to worship God, be challenged from God’s word, and fellowship together.


February 2023


December 2022