Men's and Women’s Bible Studies

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

Being together over the last two Sundays has been amazing! It has been wonderful to reconnect with everyone and get to know loads of new guests that have come through our doors. Though we wish we could offer all our ministries during this time, we thank all of you for bearing with us as we get through this pandemic together. We will, however, over the next few weeks, be having additional opportunities to meet together. Here are a few of them:

Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies — We are excited to be having a Men’s Bible study in-person at the church and simultaneously on Zoom on 20 September at 6:00pm. The Women’s Bible study will be in-person and on Zoom on 27 September at 6:00pm. This will be a wonderful time to catch up, see one another, and learn from a special guest speaker from Amsterdam. See you then!

Small Groups — It’s here! The time has come! We are thrilled to be kicking off a new small group next week. On 23 September at 7:30pm, we will be offering the same small group study at two different venues. One will be held at the church for all those who can make it in-person and the other small group will be on Zoom for all those who are shielding, have small children, or otherwise can’t meet in-person. During our small group time, we will be taking a deep dive into a study called Cold-Case Christianity. Here is a short description about it:

Christianity could be defined as a "cold case" it makes a claim about an event from the distant past for which there is little forensic evidence. In Cold-Case Christianity, J. Warner Wallace uses his nationally recognized skills as a homicide detective to look at the evidence and eyewitnesses behind Christian beliefs. Including gripping stories from his career and the visual techniques he developed in the courtroom, Wallace uses illustration to examine the powerful evidence that validates the claims of Christianity. A unique apologetic that speaks to readers' intense interest in detective stories, Cold-Case Christianity inspires readers to have confidence in Christ as it prepares them to articulate the case for Christianity.

This will be a great study for anyone interested in learning more about the historicity of the claims of Christianity and how to better share the Gospel with others.

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves, Justin Rhoades & Joshua Bell

Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Prayer Points

  1. For the upcoming Men’s and Women’s Bible studies.

  2. For all the new guests coming to our church and those watching our services online.

  3. Sean as his recovery is a long road ahead.


Ministry Opportunity

This week’s ministry opportunity is to invite someone to come with you to either the Men’s Bible study (if you are a dude) or the Women’s Bible study (if you are a dudette). As you may remember, the Bible studies will be both in-person and on Zoom, so please attend either one!


September Evening Bible Studies

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Small Groups Coming 23 September

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Small Groups Start Today


Small Groups Coming 23 September