Small Groups Coming 23 September

Update From Your Pastors

Dear Welling Church family,

It was wonderful to finally reopen the church building for our Sunday morning services this past weekend. Not only did we have a great turn out, but it was exciting to see so many people come to the building for the first time after watching for months online. The response to our online services during lockdown has been the biggest blessing during this difficult time. It’s lovely to know that God is still at work even in the valleys.

It was also nice this past weekend to have both our kids church and our Adventures club for teens back up and running. One of the biggest things we all missed over lockdown was not being able to have any kids or teen classes in-person. The smiles on all their faces this weekend as they got to spend an hour or so with friends was priceless.

Thank you so much for sticking with us through this tough time. We pray that more and more of our church family will be able to make it back to church in-person very soon. See you all this Sunday either in-person or online!

The Elders:
Tarl Reeves, Justin Rhoades & Joshua Bell

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Prayer Points

  1. All those in our church who are unable to attend in-person yet.

  2. For all the kids and teens in our church who are going back to school.

  3. Sean as he has moved to a new hospital that will provide better physical therapy.


Ministry Opportunity

This week’s ministry opportunity is to invite someone to attend our church in-person with you. If you are unable to attend in-person, invite them to watch the live stream with you from home.


Small Groups Coming 23 September

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Men's and Women’s Bible Studies


Do I Have Confidence in Prayer?