Do I Have Confidence in Prayer?
Update From Your Pastors
Dear Welling Church family,
There is something about September that always feels like a fresh start, and this year, it is needed more than ever. For Welling Church, this week is the beginning of us reopening our church to the public. Sunday services, kids church, and Adventure Clubs are all restarting this week.
Sunday Service
If you will be joining us for service this Sunday, we look forward to hosting you. Be sure to read our COVID page for all the important information to know before you attend. We also ask that you pre-book you and your family group so we can best prepare before you arrive. If you are unable to attend, we will still be live on YouTube and Facebook.
Kids Church
This Sunday will be our first kids church since 15 March! We are so excited to have the back hall filled with kids again. If you have primary age kids, be sure to bring them this Sunday! While we will be having kids church for those in primary, at the moment there currently won’t be any other classes for those in creche, toddler, or secondary.
Adventure Clubs
This Friday, Adventure Clubs returns from summer break. We finished last term online, but this term we will be in-person for all our kids in secondary. We have great plans for Bible lessons, small groups, and games this Friday at 19:30-21:00. Unfortunately, we have had to pause our primary club till the COVID rules are relaxed a bit more.
We look forward to having you all back at church this week to participate in these 3 ministries. We will provide more opportunities as soon as the government allows. Until that time, we will continue to live stream every Sunday morning and upload all our incredible toddler, kids, and teen videos for those who can’t make it to church.
If you have any questions please call Justin 07375 700198.
The Elders:
Tarl Reeves, Justin Rhoades & Joshua Bell
Subscribe to Welling Church’s YouTube Channel: YouTube
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Prayer Points
As our church reopens to the public, we pray safety and many guests.
Adventures club and all the teens that will be in attendance.
Sean as he is in hospital recovering from surgery and healing to get back to full health.
Ministry Opportunity
A great ministry opportunity this week is to invite someone to attend our church in-person with you. If you are unable to attend, invite them to watch the live stream with you instead.
Weekly Devotional
Vital Signs of Saving Faith
Question 9: Do I have confidence in prayer?
A true Christian lives his life in reliance upon God. He prays to God to meet his needs. He has assurance that God will both hear his prayer and answer them in accordance to His will. Confidence in our prayers to God is an indication that we have true saving faith.
1. It is Possible to Have Assurance of Salvation (v. 13)
13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.a.
a. That you may know: John 5:24, 10:27-30; Rom. 8:38-39
2. It is Possible to Pray in Accordance to God’s Will (v. 14)
14 And this is the confidence that we have towards him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.
a. Confidence: Ps. 66:18-20; Heb. 4:14-16; 1 John 3:19-22 b.
b. According to His will: Matt. 6:9-13, 26:39-44; John 15:7
c. He hears Us: Psalm 34:15-17
3. It is Possible to Receive An Answer to Your Prayers (v. 15)
15 And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.
a. We have the requests: John 14:12-14
The Believer’s Prayer…
1. Should be for Christ’s purposes and kingdom and not selfish reasons.
2. Should be on the basis of Christ’s merits and not any personal worthiness.
3. Should be in pursuit of Christ’s glory alone.
Vital Sign Questions:
1. Do I walk in holiness?
2. Do I confess my sins?
3. Do I abide in God?
4. Do I love the family of God?
5. Am I at odds with the world?
6. Am I sinning less?
7. Do I desire to keep God’s commands?
8. Do I strive to imitate Christ?
Assurance of Salvation Test
Q: Do you love God perfectly? A: NO
Q: Do you love God as much as you should? A: NO
Q: Do you love Him at all? A: YES!
If you can truly answer the last question with a “Yes,” then rest assured that you are a child of God. No unregenerate person loves God (1 John 2:15). The fact that you truly love God means that you have been born again!